Trying to get photos everyday, have them edited, write a takes a lot of work. It gets frustrating when I have an outfit and no photographer, or vice versa. Or when I have a million things to do and no time to stop for pics. So I decided to post outfits on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to give myself time to breathe and function. Tuesdays and Thursdays I may or may not post, but it would be a thrifting haul or a DIY or some sort of entertaining filler. And this way I can stay up-to-date on all of my favorite blogs on my Tuesdays and Thursdays "off!" 
I really hate missing posts and having a huge back log on bloglovin and GFC. As much as I enjoy having my own blog, the whole reason I started one was from reading all of yours! I want to see Angela's shoes on Head To toe Chic, or read about Tara's latest strange beer or something about her cats on Penniless Socialite and see how Katie from Hems For Her styles her latest steals from Gwynnie Bee. If I don't see the latest post on how to look posh at Crazy Style Love ,or what trend Rachel is currently rocking, or even how Kacie can still look adorable when her tights are covered in her dog's fur, how can I be inspired? It comes from ya'll. So I'm going to be spending more virtual time with you. I hope you are okay with that! I love being a blogger but I adore reading blogs! Plus, you know, concentrating at work and spending time with my kids and paying attention to my Kitten and my cooking for my Husband and all that too. I'm just trying to find a balance.
How do you lovely ladies juggle your online life and your personal life? Leave tips and wisdom in the comments. 
Thank you! 